Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sharon Bialek: Cain 'disrespected me and millions of other women'

So, it wasn't three or four women that Herman Cain violated after all. Today we find out that Cain "disrespected . . . millions of women."

Specifically, Sharon Bialek said she was "very disappointed but not surprised" by Cain's denial of wrongdoing against her, which she said "disrespected me and millions of other women across the country who are violated in the same way in the workplace."

We are so accustomed to such overblown generalizations when it comes to all things gender, we probably don't stop to think about how wierd they are.

Would an assault victim say that the crime against him "disrespected me and millions of other assault victims across the country"?  No, because that would be stupid.

Would a false rape victim say that a false rape accuser "disrespected me and thousands of other men across the country who are violated in the same way"?  No, because that would be stupid.

And it's stupid to say that Herman Cain "disrespected me and millions of other women across the country." Because he didn't.

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