Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rape Charges Dropped Against Garrett Wittels

We've been following the rape charges against college superstar baseball player Garrett Wittels since January. He and two buddies were on vacation at the Atlantis in the Bahamas last December when they hooked up with two young women and had sex. The young women later accused the three young men of rape. It had all the markings of a false rape claim from the outset. As time went on, more revelations cast even more doubt on the veracity of the claims.

Among other things, security camera footage appeared to contradict what the women told Bahamian authorities. In addition, the father of one of the accusers -- who chaperoned the girls on their visit to the Atlantis -- once was accused of planning to hire a woman to falsely claim she was raped at a professional sporting event.

Now, at last, authorities in the Bahamas have decided the evidence didn’t support prosecution. Defense lawyer Richard Sharpstein said the accusations stemmed from an apparent attempt to extort money from the Atlantis resort. See here: http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2011/06/20/bahamas-drops-rape-charges-against-fius-wittels/

Great result, but trying to restore Garrett's good name will be like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.  Or unringing a bell. He and his friend's have had their reputations unjustly tarnished because of a stupid college boy decision - a decision that is common among young men in college, even upstanding young men. In this case, the accusers will suffer no harm, and they can just go sit at the bar and wait for the next unsuspecting college boy to snare.

This is just another in a seemingly endless parade of examples of how we've handed young women far too much power to destroy young men with rape lies. 

Garrett is one of the lucky ones. He got out of the ring alive. But he's been badly beaten. Let's pray he recovers from the ordeal.

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